
Content Construction


K2 became the CCK of choice for a large percentage of the Joomla world in the recent past, but the appearance of a lack of development support caused some developers to explore other options. The recent updates and activity around K2 are causing renewed interest and lots of new use.

K2 offers the ability to create your own custom content types, along with custom fields. This is a great option for people looking to create any kind of online catalog or need some specific and repeatable display options.

K2 is a free extension and is available for Joomla versions 1.5 through 2.5.

Visit K2



Another CCK extension we find to be very helpful and of high quality is from YOOtheme. It's called ZOO. It also provides custom content creation, but in addition offers complete Apps that allow quick creation of Blogs, Product Catalogs, Movie Databases and more.

ZOO is also free for the basic version, while the full product with all Apps starts at €99.

Visit YOOtheme

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