
Joomla Blog

Tutorials, reviews, case studies and other tips to help website owners and website developers master the Joomla content management system.

Another menu item with the same parent has this alias

Another menu item with the same parent has this alias

This is another of those "Save failed with the following error" messages. It's not always apparent why you get these errors, so hopefully we can help guide you through fixing these.

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47058 Hits

Check-out failed with the following error...

Check-out failed with the following error...

One common error that Joomla admins encounter when working on sites with multiple people is the following; Check-out failed with the following error: The user checking out does not match the user who checked out the item.

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37651 Hits

Cannot find XML setup file

Cannot find XML setup file

JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file

One of the most common ways to generate this error is by trying to install a compressed extension that needs to be extracted first. For instance, some extensions ship with two different versions inside one zip file. If this is the case, you must first extract that "outer" directory to get to the version of the extension you need. But, how do you know if you have one of these extensions or not?

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25507 Hits