YouTube Top Hits

Although this website contains all our free and advanced tutorials, many of our customers initially discover us via YouTube. I started the channel in early 2009 and since then our video views has steadily increased to 936,226. At time of writing, there are 77 videos and today I am sharing three popular videos from our Joomla Tips Playlist.

1. How to Insert a Module into an Article


I often refer to modules as secondary content (as opposed to articles which are primary content). But there are times when you might want to place a module into the main body location. The above video demonstrates how to do this using Joomla 1.5, but the same technique still works in 2.5 and 3.0. 


2. How to use Captcha in Joomla 2.5

Registration spam is incredibly frustrating and in the past you needed a third party extension to prevent it. But as of version 2.5, this is easily circumvented by configuring the built-in Captcha settings.


3. How to create a blog in Joomla for free - in just 10 minutes

YES! You can use Joomla as a blog. In fact it has always been able to do this, but it isn't so obvious how to add features like commenting and social sharing. In this video, I demonstrate how to do this quickly and it doesn't have to cost a cent.

Please visit our YouTube channel, subscribe, leave comments and share your favorites. 

Is there a particular challenge you're experiencing with Joomla? Tell me what it is by leaving your comments below and I will consider creating a video just for you*.

* well ... just for you plus 5059 YouTube subscribers, 19,468 newsletter subscribers, 1153 Twitter followers and 1651 Facebook fans.