Preview: Make Money as a Joomla Developer

This series is designed to help budding web developers start a business. It’s absolutely beneficial to existing developers too, I just particularly like to help newbies simply because it reminds me of where I began almost 17 years ago. That’s why I pitch this as being a part-time exercise because that’s how I started. And I continued that way for about 2 years before making the leap to full time. But if you’re already a full time developer or almost there, this will help you too.

When I started, it was so easy it was embarrassing. I thought being in business for yourself was the easiest thing in the world and that I was a genius. But it turned out that this was down to simple economics and over time I discovered that I wasn't so clever after all! Almost overnight there was a massive demand for websites, but a limited supply of developers. People found me in Yahoo - as they were the leader back then - and business flowed in.

The market has changed dramatically and now every man and his dog offers website development. Just ask the 12 year old kid who lives next door. It’s a business with a relatively low barrier to entry which is both good and bad for you. It’s good because it won’t cost you much, but it’s bad because there is a lot of competition.

So - how do you get started? The world is full of prospects and I explain in the course which are the best type to target. But when I started in 1995, very few businesses had a website. Fast forward to 2012 and just about every business - certainly any business worth targeting - does have a site. You can of course approach them and suggest how you can improve it. But that can be difficult and the owner is likely to take a long time to say yes. They probably also have an existing relationship with another developer.

There is a second problem with starting a web development career which is particularly challenging for those doing it part-time. You’re always looking for the next client. You get a job, finish a job and then look for the next job. There isn’t any leverage in that. If you want part-time income, you need as much leverage as possible so you can keep some sort of balance with your day job, kids or whatever it is that keeps you busy the rest of the time.

So there are two problems; how do you sell websites to businesses who already have a website? And how do you avoid the roller coaster ride of constantly finding new clients? The solution is actually simple. Sell them a service they need, that they don’t already have. And ensure that service has a recurring factor.

Our existing How to Make Money as a Joomla Web Developer course teaches how to do this with one service. But the revamped version that is currently in production introduces a second option. And here it is. One of the most effective forms of online marketing continues to be done with email. It’s seen by some as out-of-date, but that’s not true. Sure social media can be great, as is video, but email marketing continues to be one of - if not the best - return on investment. It’s easy to do, but stacks of businesses don’t bother. Here’s where you step in. I show you how to find businesses with a poor Internet presence. You contact them and explain the benefits of Email Marketing and then provide it to them. And they use it month, after month, after month. So once you have as many clients as you can handle, you don’t have to keep looking for new clients.

Compared to traditional marketing, email marketing is cheap. But the perceived value is high. So there is a lot of profit in it for you. You do the publishing and distribution on behalf of the client and charge accordingly. How much to charge? Well, I talk about that in some detail in the course, but the bottom-line is just 10 clients can bring you a recurring income of well over $1000 a month. And if you provide the second service as well, which I’ll discuss in a couple of weeks, then you can expect $2000. AND of course if you have 20 clients, which is still very manageable on a part-time basis, you’re then looking at $4000 a month.

Before starting, you need to learn three things. 1 - How to provide the best email marketing service using Joomla. 2 - how to provide the second service I’ll reveal later and 3 - how the business model works.

This course is currently in production and will be part of our top advanced course - Joomla Pro. When this revamped version is complete, the price of this course will be going up significantly. So to get a head start, and save some dough, become a Joomla Pro today. You’ll get access to the current version of this course immediately as well as the first three lessons on Email Marketing which are online now. There will be 2 more lessons in this series which are due to be completed in the next week. Joomla Pro is our premier course that includes lifetime access (you only pay once), lifetime updateslifetime support via our forum and a lifetime money-back guarantee.

So there is a quick insight into our how to make money as a Joomla web developer. I’ll bring you more information in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, grab our Joomla Pro package now while it is still at the low price.