Whether you like Facebook or not, it's hard to ignore its impact on the web. There are over 400 million Facebook users and the current growth rate is phenomenal. On average, each user has 130 friends. And, on average, each user creates 70 pieces of content each month. That's one enormous website and I'm embarrassed that I haven't done more with it. That's about to change soon, so head over to the Build a Joomla Website Fan Page and join in the conversation.

Facebook recently introduced an exciting new feature that can drive more visitors to your site. It works a bit like a testimonial. By placing a Facebook "Like" button on a page of your site, you can encourage visitors to recommend that page. If they do, their recommendation will show up on their Facebook profile where it can be seen by their friends. In addition, if you're logged in to Facebook and you visit a third party web page containing a "Like" button and one of your friends has already "liked" that page, you will see them listed.

Don't underestimate the power of this feature. How often do you choose to do business with someone based on a friend's recommendation? Referrals are very powerful because we make decisions to buy based on how well we know, like and trust the seller. If you see that your friend likes a particular website, you're far more likely to buy from that site than another.

It hasn't taken long for some smart Joomla developers to build a Facebook Like extension and there are bound to be more over the coming weeks. I have played with a free module which you can find here. View this in action at Website Planning and if you like the site, click the Like button.

Alternatively, have a look at this commercial extension which is a plugin.

Once again, if you'd like to learn even more about Joomla, head over to my Facebook Fan Page.