The mindset

If you provide a business service that will provide a positive return on investment in a short period of time, then why wouldn't someone buy it? You don't need customers – they need you. The service that will be demonstrated in our upcoming "how to earn $4000 a month as a part-time web developer" is needed by every local business. You can deliver this service at a very affordable price that will return a profit to the business owner in a matter of weeks. And when you follow our approach to gathering leads, you'll be too busy to take on everybody.

So you don't need them - they need you. This mindset makes a huge difference to your posture and confidence when you're presenting your offer.

The conversation

The sales process starts with a conversation. If you can talk – you can sell. Even if you're the guy or gal who is most comfortable in the corner of the room at a party, you can sell. Sure – it helps if you're enthusiastic and have loads of experience, but even beginners will get sales with the following approach.

  1. Take control of the conversation. Be upfront by saying "Well Bob – today we're going to discuss how you can make more money by improving your online presence. I'll start by asking you some questions and then I'll explain how we can help."
  2. These sorts of questions will be very helpful to better understand your customer and build rapport:
    1. "Did you start the business or did you buy it?"
    2. "When was that?"
    3. "What marketing are you doing at the moment?"
    4. "Which is your most successful marketing channel?"
    5. "How many people visit your website each month?"
    6. "Have you ever looked at your website ..." (or if they don't have a website ask "any website") –"... on a mobile phone?"
  3. It is common for local business owners to have no idea how to answer the marketing questions, but this is good as it helps them to see that they should be considering these things.
  4. Now present the situation. In the case of websites, explain that effective websites attract more customers. Back it up with some facts. If you are selling email marketing, explain how sending a fortnightly email will increase repeat business. Once you have some experience, you can throw in some real figures "I've been working with a hairdresser for just two months and we have increased her turnover by $1000 a month!"
  5. Explain how you can help. Present your offer and ask if there are any questions.

It's not hard, is it? Yes – there are all sorts of things you could do to polish this up and have more success. But for starters all you have to remember is:

  1. ask some questions
  2. explain the situation
  3. present your offer
  4. ask for questions

The sale

Sleazy salesmanAnyone can sell ... well almost anyone.If you do a decent job, you'll find that people will buy from you, rather than you having to sell to them. This means they might ask something like "ok – so I guess I need to get you some details for the site" or "do you think we should include a map" or some other obvious signal that they want to go ahead. In any case a response like "ok – we'll talk about that but can I explain how the process works?" Then explain that you start with some paperwork (an agreement), collect a deposit and then gather the information. You can then say "so let's start with the paperwork". Take them through your agreement and ask for a deposit. At that point, you have taken them "off the market". You are now their web person and if they were approached by someone else, they wouldn't be interested, because they have a commitment with you.

But what do you do if they don't seem interested? The first thing is don't assume. I've presented to stony faced prospects only to be amazed when they decided to buy. So if they don't have any questions, you can ask, "ok – well if there aren't any questions, would you like me to explain the process?" Then explain the process and ask "do you have any questions or would you like to start the paperwork?" Businesses want more customers – they want to buy your service, you just need to convince them that you can deliver. Most people are nice and if they've given you an appointment, they're unlikely to give you a hard time.

Even if you do a bad job, you'll still get sales. I once heard that 10% of people will buy anything. 10% of people will buy nothing. So your job is to convince the other 80%.

There is much more that could be said, but the most important piece of advice I can give is to get started. Our course will be ready soon, so join today and take advantage of our early bird price.